Lukasz Trojanowski Apps

Ping 1.0.4
The app enables you to quickly checkthelocation of your contacts using a ping message. Whenever yousend aping, the receiver will respond with it's last knownlocation. Thereceiver will be notified that you checked hislocation, and yourlocation will also be shared with him. Requestsolder then 24h areremoved.The main use-case is to quickly find your friends when thelocationof the meeting point changed or wasn't exactly set.
iUiU volunteer 1.0.4
The app alerts you about medicalemergenciesaround you signaled by the sister app iuiu. The ideabehind it issimple, in dense urban areas a volunteer might be muchcloser tothe emergency then an ambulance and can thus deliverimportantfirst aid quicker. Emergencies are shown as a marker on amap. Thephone number of the person sending out the emergency signalmightbe visible upon clicking it. Your location is not sharedwithanyone unless you change your visibility settingsexplicitly.